B(Bellingham) A(Adults) A(Against) B(B-) o(-oredom)


Go dancingFly a kiteMoon an epic sunset (or sunrise)Eat tacos with at least two other BAABO playersSign a register on a mountain
Visit a u-pick farm (Britt and Eric’s plum tree counts)Go swimming in a lakeMake a picnic happenGet a tattoo (permanent only)Visit Mindport
Go visit Q CenterIdentify a pretty flower on a hike and text the group with some information about it Get a request played on the radioMake tea from a native foraged plant
Learn a new card gameSwim in the Salish SeaLearn to salsa dance at Cof&See a drive-in movie at Blue Fox Drive-In TheatreSwim with bioluminescence
Use and develop a disposable cameraCold plunge in two different bodies of waterDo a cannonball (must shout, “CANNONBALL!”)Pay it foward to a strangerDo a themed photoshoot with friends